TMall will require you to login before you can put something in the cart, ProTip: If you have adblock/uOrigin, other script blockers, you will get an error message after you login.

Spoiler Alert: It looks okay until we have to add 36 yuan for domestic shipping and 300 yuan to ship to the U.S. 170 yuan, seems shipping is allowed to the U.S. I decide I want to buy this 2017 Miku With You Glowstick from the official Hatsune Miku TMall Shop in China. Once you have an account, you simply browse to your hearts content, add stuff to your cart…and then… I strongly recommend creating a Taobao account even if you choose a forwarder/proxy as having an account will allow you to browse Taobao without having to deal with the login screen that stops loading the page. I highly recommend using a browser with automatic translation to make the process as smooth as possible. In order to do this, you will need to create an account with Taobao. Now that we have quite a list of shops to look at, what can we use to buy these goods? Option 1: Buy directly from Taobao/Tmall (Left: SCLA Copyright info & CFM copyright info / Right: Piapro sticker of Authenticity) (Left: Piapro Sticker of Authenticity / Right: Moeyu reflective sticker of Authenticity) You can also tell which Miku Chinese goods are authentic if the Piapro sticker is on the packaging. The authorized descriptor are official licensed goods manufactured by another company with approval. Tip: To avoid buying bootleg Miku/Cryptonloid goods, look for the SCLA logo on the store’s promo pictures.

This guide is for those who are interested in buying VSinger official merch, Xin Hua merch, licensed Miku products for the Chinese market, and more!